Having a contact form on your blog is a great way to encourage communication with your audience. Whether you're a blogger, business owner, or creative individual, a contact form streamlines the process for visitors to reach out to you.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you add a contact form to your blogger site:

Steps to Add Contact Form in Blogger

  1. Log in to your blogger dashboard
  2. Go to Pages
  3. Access the page editor for the content you want to display the contact form.
  4. Ensure you're in Compose view mode within the editor for easier content creation.
  5. Place the following shortcode within your page content: [contactForm]
  6. Highlight the shortcode and apply the Bold style.
  7. Publish or update your page.

Add Contact Form in Blogger Page

🎉 Congratulations!

Your contact form is now successfully added to the selected page of your blog.

😊 Still need help? Contact us here